

[인턴소식]우리계열 캐나다 인턴/취업 파견학생 소식-여기는 벤쿠버

관리자 2007-09-20 00:00 1,618

<font color="red"> 우리계열의 2007년 캐나다 인턴/취업프로그램</font>에 따라
캐나다 브리티시컬럼비아 공과대학<font color="blue"> BCIT에서 9월 부터 한 학기 동안 인턴십 과정을 밟게되는 우리계열 김재헌,박준환군이 보낸 내용 및 현지에서 학생의 학생의 인턴과정을 보살펴 주시고 지도하는 벤자민 유 교수께서 보내준 인턴과정 일정과 학생들이 잘하고 있다는 내용</font>입니다.

<a href="http://cs.dit.ac.kr/vod/2007globalDIT/2007global.htm" target="_blank"> <font color="blue"> 내용관련 다른 기사 보기>>></font></a>

-----------------벤자민 유 교수가 우리 계열장에게 보냄----------------------
Dear Prof. Kim,

I just like to tell you the two students are doing very well. I have started a project with them which requires them to do extensive self-study and development. It is a challenging project which will prepare them well for the project with the local company. Here is their schedule of the upcoming months:
<font color="blue">
September 17 - October 26: English course, BCIT project, computer studies
October 29 - November 23: industry project
November 26 - December 21: BCIT project, computer studies
The schedule is a bit changed to accommodate the company&#039;s production schedule of their software. In the program, the students are supposed to have regular entries in a blog to help them track their learning and personal development throughout the program.

Here are a couple of pictures from our recent outings to Stanley Park last Friday.

-----------------김재헌군이 우리 계열장에게 보냄---------------------------

A day before yesterday.
I went to BCIT Main Campus with jason at 11 o&#039; clock.
Prof. Benjamin, Yu was looked around Vencouver for us.
First of all, We went to Stanley Park and Parking his car and walked. Stanley Park is near sea and very big-ass.
We were taken pictures to background the sea.
We were walking and walking, but i did&#039;t see the end. So, we took on the shuttle bus, and came back parking lot.

<IMG height="240" src="http://cs.dit.ac.kr/vod/2007canada/CN0582.JPG" >
<font color="blue"><사진 : Benjamin Yu 교수님과 함께 Stanley Park 을 돌아보면서></font>

I was hungry because of walking. We went to Mexicano restaurant with prof. Benjamin, Yu.
It&#039;s very similar salad bar in korea, but a unlike thing is employees bring meat and cut it for me.
I ate much rice and potato chips because i did&#039;t know it.

<IMG height=240 src="http://cs.dit.ac.kr/vod/2007canada/CN0618.JPG" >
<font color="blue"><사진 : Stanley Park 과 밴쿠버 시내를 둘러 본 후 식당에서></font>

We took walk Downtown to help digestion and drunk coffee in Starbucks.

<IMG height=240 src="http://cs.dit.ac.kr/vod/2007canada/CN0617.JPG" >
<font color="blue"><사진 : BCIT내의 Pub House에서></font>

Prof. Benjamin, Yu was looked around UBC for us, and drived his car. UBC is big-ass.
But, I think that UBC was not good, because UBC is not BCIT. I like BCIT :)

<IMG height=240 src="http://cs.dit.ac.kr/vod/2007canada/CN0633.JPG">
<font color="blue"><사진 : BCIT내 다이빙 풀 전경></font>

I was tired little bit because of walking. Prof. Benjamin, Yu took us to Metrotown in his car and bought Bobble tea for us. it&#039;s nice.
I think prof. Benjamin, Yu is very kind.
Prof. Benjamin, Yu, Thank you for spending time with me!!!

<IMG height=240 src="http://cs.dit.ac.kr/vod/2007canada/CN0637.JPG" >
<font color="blue"><사진 : Stanley Park 순환도로></font>

<img src="http://cs.dit.ac.kr/vod/2007canada/Copyright_cs.jpg" width="270" height="70" border="0">